_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Present Work.htm


May 2, 2019




Since mid-2018, I have held a position of Paralegal at the Decker Law Office, a law firm set here in the middle of the city of Albuquerque, working full-time and supporting myself.  Here, I have applied my depth of experience about the law to a good cause.  This knowledge is derived from many decades of real-world experiences, my successful completion of Brooklyn Law School’s first year program, attending The University of New Mexico, where I was active to learn how to work with the Black letter law requirements in relevance to Paralegal work and managed to become a certified Paralegal in 2018, and finally, through a volunteer music business advisor position at Harvard Law School in 2002 and 2003.


At the Decker Law Office, I duly execute the duties of a Paralegal in relevance to the interests of the firm and Benjamin Decker Esq..  These duties have had the effect of streamlining the firm to run at top condition.  And what has been reflected by my applied time here is not only a pathway for the next employee to follow, but also by substantial growth of the net worth of the firm.  It is not uncommon for me to multitask.  At the same as I prepare documents for purposes of submission to the Courts and the related creatures of businesses that are present when dealing with suing Social Security Administration and tackle the needs of clients that we represent in Personal Injury claims on a daily basis, I am responsible to obtain medical records from hospitals and other sources that produce the same, all of which are an actually legally required by-product of professional work of medical doctors.  I also have successfully undertook to make sure that everything is ready for Court hearings, including preparing motions and letters to the Court, in addition to hiring process servers to serve things such as subpoena upon persons related to suits.  In recent times, as my main page to this site indicates to you, I carry out and faithfully execute the duties and responsibilities of a Notary.


We are situated in the greater Albuquerque area - - right across the street from Wal-Mart on Wyoming by Menaul.  As our lines are always open for the intake and possibly rendering of services for those in need, if you are seeking assistance with your SSDI claim, personal injury matter, fraud case, or will, then please feel free to contact us.


Finally, feel free to visit our website at:



Copyright 2019: John Henrickson